Announcing the JHU DHRC Public Transit #Disability Dashboard

Announcing the Johns Hopkins Disability Health Research Center Public Transit #DisabilityDashboard

Public transit websites can help ensure people with disabilities have equitable access to transportation. Online information about transit accessibility features and rider accommodation options is necessary for many people with disabilities to plan and prepare for transit travel. But too often, this information is not available or is not accessible. 

The Public Transit #DisabilityDashboard evaluates information available on public transit system websites that people with disabilities may need to plan transit travel. This includes assessing if transit system websites have information on facility and vehicle accessibility features, policy and planning procedures, rider accommodation processes, and paratransit services. Although these data do not represent individual experiences, such as real-time elevator outages, this dashboard provides insight into the barriers people with disabilities face when planning transit trips. 

This dashboard includes data from the top 26 U.S. transit systems receiving the most federal funding. We found that information and accessibility varied widely across these transit system websites. These data intend to highlight areas for improvement and help identify best practices. This dashboard also outlines a need for real-time and standardized data on the accessibility of transit systems.

Details about the scoring methodology and resources can be found on the dashboard.     

Follow us @JHUDisability or via the Disability Health Research Center website for updates on this project and our work.  

Many thanks to our partners at WebAIM and the dedicated Johns Hopkins Disability Health Research Center team, led by Dr. Erica Twardzik, behind this effort!