In this installment of the Disability Disparities Series, Valerie Novack, Justice Shorter, and Monica Schoch-Spana discuss the need for a more disability-inclusive approach to the COVID-19 pandemic. Full panel coming soon.
Author: sepstei7
This video is part of the discussion series hosted by Johns Hopkins Disability Health Research Center. The center provides a platform to catalyze interdisciplinary and innovative research aimed at addressing disability disparities. The specific goals of this webinar: (1) discuss the history of the ADA, (2) describe where efforts for disability inclusion and justice still Continue reading “”
Congratulations to the three winners of the 2020 Meyer-Beers Essay Contest! The Disability Health Research Center partnered with the JHSPH Mental Health Grad Network to host this year’s Meyer-Beers essay contest, which aimed to raise awareness about the high prevalence of mental health conditions and neurodiversity in academia and to crowdsource innovative solutions for supporting Continue reading “”
The Disability Health Research Center supports the Bloomberg School of Public Health’s statement on the deaths of George Floyd, Breonna Taylor, and the many other Black people killed by law enforcement. Police violence and racism are both public health crises. As a research center dedicated to the reduction of health inequities, we stand in solidarity Continue reading “”